Yearly Archives: 2013

В Италии состоится неделя подводных крыльев


The Whites Dragons, foiling catamaran is a project, revealed last week, which was developed in the midst of this growing interest. It began as …

Подводные крылья стали необычайно популярны в последнее время. Организаторы мероприятий для яхтсменов не могли оставить эту тенденцию незамеченной.


A Cup of Caen: Smaller Boats, Bigger Cup

From the

Christopher Caen“… The multi-million dollar hulls (or “platforms,” as they became known) had to …”

“… This year’s Cup was one of the best for a very simple reason: it came down the most talented sailors, racing on the fastest boats, on the best patch of water in the world. I can’t wait to see it again.”

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The Foiling Week: verso un luglio 2014 a tutto foil sul Lago di Garda



Torbole- La febbre per il foiling è diventata ormai malattia accertata della vela sportiva. Sono sempre di più, infatti, i progetti, le idee che prendendo spunto dai Moth e cavalcando l’onda dell’America’s Cup provano a moltiplicare esponenzialmente le enormi potenzialità di questo nuovo modo di far vela, che piace e attrare sempre di più un pubblico giovane e attento alle innovazioni… Read more on

Flying Phantom: New OD Class a reality with 20 boats sold


Flying Phantom. Cammas, Gabart

Alex Udin sent a press release to announce they sold 20 boats at Paris, and I fired back a Q&A to know how the Production www will continue next year. This Class will not replace any existing one, it will find as shown by the confirmed orders at Paris Nautique, a niche above the F18 / A-Class / F16 / Nacra 17. The great news are everybody has a Playground of their choice to have fun, expanding possibilities for all. The proof? Read the full article