Monthly Archives: January 2014

What does water mean to you?

Waterlust began as a handful of graduate students trying to inspire people to care about the Ocean. Today it has grown into a global community of water lovers, or as we call them #Waterlusters. Blending science, art and sport, we publish film, photography and art online that will hopefully get you thinking…

More beautiful images and inspirations on

Le Catamaran Techniques Avancées

Techniques AvancéesEn 1986, deux élèves de l’ENSTA lancent l’idée de créer un catamaran révolutionnaire, basé sur le principe des foils, capable d’atteindre des vitesses jusque là inimaginables pour un voilier.
Soutenu par la Direction Générale pour l’Armement (DGA) et la Direction des Constructions Navales (DCN), un projet technologique complexe va peu à peu prendre forme : concevoir un catamaran sur foils dans le but de battre le record du monde de vitesse à la voile et démontrer ainsi qu’un foiler, muni d’un gréement rigide, peut naviguer à haute vitesse de manière stable.


AC35, Artemis Design Team updates: Adam May confirmed

Artemis AC72 - Photo: VanderBorch
Image: Sander van der Borch

Adam May was one of the key team members along the entire shore & part of the design crew on transforming the failed floating concept of Artemis first version to a foiling AC72. The work done on such short time was truly impressive, achieving first an ‘out of the box’ fast & stable flight on AR AC45.

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Flying Phantom: François Gabart Takes Off

François Gabart, 2013 Vendée Globe winner and Skipper Macif, joined last week Phantom International team during a sailing session for the optimization of the Flying Phantom OD,  the world’s first production foiling catamaran.

Back in 2013, he had already begun his return to the multihulls world with participations to the Eurocat  and to the World F18 in Grosseto – Italy, on a Sail Innovation team’s  Phantom F18 with Matthieu Vandamme , finishing respectively 3rd and 4th  in these two events.

François will be leaving the IMOCA circuit after the 2014 Route du Rhum. From 2015, he will be taking the helm of a 100-foot maxi-multihull in the colours of Macif, aboard which he will tackle a series of races and solo ocean records.

The Foiling Week takes shape. More people and program confirmed

“The foiling week” confirms its schedule of events and the location choice, and the signing up form is available from today.

At you will find the form to pre-register yourself. By filling in the form you’ll get access to the opportunity to be at the Forum and the round tables as a spectator, to jump onboard to test the boats and join us on the on-water events.

The list of players of the “the foiling week” gets longer every day, the forums and roundtables will be animated by:

Andrew MacPherson
Chief of Operations GC32 catamarans

Andrew McDougall
Designer and sailor Mach2 moth

Davide Tagliapietra
Schickler Tagliapietra Yacht Engineering

Edoardo Bianchi
White Dragons designer, Blacks Advanced Composites CEO

Jeremie Lagarrigue
Project manager C-Class

Katherine Knight
Physiotherapy, Artemis Racing America’s Cup team

Kevin Hall
2004 USA olympic team and Team Artemis AC34 navigator

Mario Caponnetto
Wingsail Design and Head of CFD for Oracle AC33, AC34

Martin Fischer
Groupama C Class, GC32 and Flying Phantom designer

Mirco Babini
President IKA International Kitesurf Association

Mitch Booth
Catamaran Olympic medalist

Scott Babbage
President IMCA International Moth Class Association

Tom Speer
Oracle Team USA – Aero & Sail Project Leader

Flying Phantom: A Rocket 2014 Start

Flying Phantom

After a successful launch of the Flying Phantom One Design during the 2013 Paris Boat Show, Phantom International starts this new 2014 year with a high pace to ramp up the activity and prepare the future of the world’s first production foiling catamaran: sailing sessions to test, prepare and optimize the boat; a new website to present products, media and latest news; launch of the production of the first units and preparation of the Dusseldorf Boat Show.

Flashback on these last weeks with Gurvan Bontemps – Flying Phantom Test Pilot

“I’m very happy with the new boat, the one we presented during the Paris Boat Show and that is the first production unit. The last two weeks were dedicated to sailing sessions with the new One Design Flying Phantom. The 4 sailing sessions were very instructive in order to discover the boat: we have new mast, new foils, new sails and the boat is much lighter than the prototype boat.
We continuously optimized the settings and L-shaped foils and T-shaped rudders were validated. We experienced different conditions with a range of wind speeds from 6 to 20 kts including flat water and moderate sea.
The new boat exhibits more stability, as compared to our prototype without any impact on performance, furthermore as the One Design boat is lighter the take-off is earlier than what we used to have in 2013 with the prototype and the boat is also foiling very well upwind.

We had a session with my crew Benjamin Amiot between Saint Lunaire and Saint Malo in areas with high current and significant waves and by changing slightly the foils’ incidence, we moved the boat in mix flying-skimming mode that allowed us to sail at a level of performance that is not achievable with F18 Catamarans. The boat was exhibiting a lot of power and stability leading to a smooth ride in full control even in difficult sea conditions.

We sailed also with Louis Viat (Franck Cammas crew on Groupama C) and François Gabart (winner of the 2013 Vendée Globe). Louis was really surprised by the performances and the simplicity of the Flying Phantom as compared to his experience with the C-Class Catamaran. François is an experienced F18 sailor and is used to multihulls and he was able to safely fly within the first 10 minutes. After 30 minutes he was pushing the boat in full flying mode with a big smile on his face. For him the biggest surprise was the ability of the Flying Phantom to go between 5 and 10 knots faster than a conventional F18 catamaran, even in moderate conditions.

We think we really moved a big step forward in beach catamaran sailing and we will race the boat the coming season in dedicated Flying Phantom events but as well in fleet races and long distance race.

We would like also to thank early adopters and top multihull sailors that ordered the first units of the Flying Phantom OD and We are looking forward to the first customers’ deliveries in April.”

Flying Phantom One Design January Sailing Session
© Jeremie Eloy/ Wanaii Films – Phantom International

A new website for Phantom International

Phantom International will produce and sell both the Flying Phantom and the Phantom F18, powered with Sail Innovation Sails. The new website ( is a comprehensive information source to discover the complete product portfolio, collect the latest news and technical tweaks and also to explore a nice media collection. A specific section is dedicated to our graphics world where finest designs for sails and boats merges with our passion for Art

Düsseldorf Boat Show

The Düsseldorf Boat Show is one of the biggest events for the marine industry. Phantom International will present the Flying Phantom One Design from the 18th to the 26th of January to all our potential customers who did not have the chance to discover the boat in Paris. The boat will be shown in the special multihull segment in Hall 15 Booth 58 that has become a permanent feature in Düsseldorf, with 20 exhibitors presenting catamarans and trimarans of all sizes. A Cat Lounge will be available for exhibitors and visitors making deals or exchanging know-how. Information revolving around the topic “Sailing with catamarans and Trimarans” will be presented at the Multihull Forum, which offers a comprehensive, professionally organized lecture program on each of the trade fair days.