Monthly Archives: April 2014

GC32 News foils: Pics by van der Borch, details by Fischer

If the Flying Phantom was the boat being tested fully and showed excellent stable flight performance past months, now the GC32 takes that game to the 30′ realm…

GC32 Full Foiling Catamaran

They flew in 6 knots with the L rudders days ago, and now they’ve upgraded to the finished T ones. They even end foiling jib/spi only on at halyard failure returning to shore…
So now you have the 18-20s plus the 30′ foot production range covered. Nice work from the GC32 Team

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The New America’s Cup Cat

The next generation will look much like this 2013 generation challenger from New Zealand, but they’re a new breed

By Kimball Livingston Posted April 13, 2014

AC35 new catGino Morrelli believes the next generation of America’s Cup catamarans will revolutionize upwind tactics. He foresees the boats foiling through tacks without slowing down, and if there is no price for tacking, that’s a new calculus, isn’t it? A new game.
Smaller, faster, safer. It’s quite a package that … Read the entire post on

The foiling week – Scelte le sedi per ciascun evento



The foiling week, la settimana tutta dedicata alle barche volanti sarà articolata in tre momenti: l’International Moth EuroCup, i Forum e i Test in acqua e il finale dei Full Foiling Catamaran Racing.
(complimenti a chi ha scelto Sinnerman come colonna sonora del video) …

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