Monthly Archives: February 2016

10,500 USD. Cheaper doesn’t means slower

by Andrew McDougall and the WASZP team

It’s been a busy few months over the Australian summer with the KA team heading to the Moth Nationals in Perth. Mach 2 / KA Sail chalked up another victory with Josh McKnight on top, counting a regatta score of 12 firsts and a third. WASZP designer Andrew McDougall grabbed 5th overall and first Grand Master.

Then it was back to it on the WASZP and there has been plenty going on.

Here’s the latest news for Andrew.

Andrew, can you update us on what has been happening since the last status report at Christmas?

As we mentioned in our last update we’ve been working hard on the rig and have gone back to the cambered sail.

We not only do we now know that this is our only performance option, we have also improved it dramatically since we first started working on that style of rig. It’s now much more like our latest Mach2 sail – just a little bit more powerful. We have also slightly increased the size for the large sail to 8.25 sq. metres.

We have made new camber inducers for the bottom battens to match the larger mast diameter, which are working really well. The sail is made with similar materials to the KA Sail moth sail although we have gone with slightly softer materials in the luff panels to give us a more user-friendly sail that rotates better and has increased reaction to downhaul tension.

The upside also of this material is that the sail is more colourful, and on that note we have added coloured panels to the main body to make the sail really stand out.

Below is the outline and graphics of the 8.25 sq.m:


How about getting the rig up, are there still any issues there?

It’s now amazingly easy. As soon as we got the weight out of the rig everything changed but we wanted it to be fool proof.
We redesigned the boom to mast attachment so the boom can be connected once the mast is up. With just the mast and sail all the issues are gone.

And the trolley ?

We have continued to work hard on the trolley and we now have a hybrid solution.

You can tip the boat on its side and attach the trolley which some people will prefer to do. This is what I like as it suits where we sail at Black Rock and it works well.

But we have also incorporated a ‘shallow’ trolley design which means you can float it onto the trolley.

It becomes a little challenging in a lot of wind and waves, but very do-able. And the way which we are now attaching the trolley to the boat stabilizes everything once it’s on and makes for a very solid solution.

I think the big gain with the WASZP over the Moth is just to be able to wheel the boat in and out with the foils in. It really is so much nicer than the Moth where foils have to be separated.

You just wheel the boat up, detach the boom, pull the mast down, roll the sail and it’s done.

So that leaves the question of production and pricing?

It has been a long road to get a final price on this boat and this week we have finalized all negotiations.

We are very happy to confirm we can meet the price we originally estimated.
The ex-factory price will be US$10,500 with a shipping cost to most countries of US$1,100.
Local import costs, taxes and duties, if any, are additional and vary by country.

There will be few countries that the shipping costs is cheaper and in some countries that are harder to get to the shipping cost will be more expensive.

And what’s happening at the factory – are we still on track to start production in March?

We have already started production – we are building hulls, we are building masts, we are building sails, we are building plastic components and we are building aluminum foils. Hopefully everything will come together by the end of March and will start putting complete boats together.

I’m off to China again in a few days and will be back over again towards the later part of March to oversee the final packing.

So notwithstanding any delivery issues with a critical component, we will be shipping as promised.

How about the class set-up, any action there ?

We’ve been making good progress on drafting the WASZP Class rules.

Overall, the intent is to make sure we have a very strict one-design so that it is a true boat vs. boat contest straight out of the box.

So with the exception of changing out ropes or pulleys that may need replacement with aftermarket alternatives, adding a GPS and doing repairs back to original there is not much else that can be done that will not be ‘as supplied’.

A draft will soon be available to download for review and comment.

50T, twin turbine powered hydrofoil

by Hydrofoils Incorporated


This new space age, state of the art Hydrofoil is a giant step forward in design and technology and provides exciting high speeds (100 PLUS MPH), outstanding safety and a comfortable ride.

Hydrofoils Incorporated has just released a test video of a scale prototype of their newest product entitled the 50T (50 foot, 15.2-meter) twin turbine powered hydrofoil. The company claims this 5-passenger, 100 plus kt, twin marine turbine powered, lightweight, boat has a stable, safe, comfortable, ride and can be ABS, DNV, HSC certified.


The main center hull is a carbon fiber epoxy composite as is the two outboard interchangeable engine module covers. Foils are aluminum and stainless. She can be quickly configured as a defense, commuter, or ambulance vehicle at various capacities. Draft is less than 1.5 ft., running (foils extended) or static (foils folded). The boat is operational in both modes with foils normally retracted while approaching the dock or shore.

These “Shallow Water” boats open up enormous new, previously inaccessible, marine exploration areas for a boat of this size. They use about 50% less fuel than other boats this size and power, since they do not displace water. They don’t make waves that upset wetlands and shorelines which makes an environmentally friendly boat. They are more comfortable than other high performance boats since they are not bouncing off waves. They are also much safer than older technology high speed boats that tend to blow-over and kite at speed. These double hulled boats will float fully awash with all doors open. They have little to no damage to the foils like older hydrofoils if striking debris.  Hydrofoils are the safest form of transportation compared to rail, auto, bus, plane, and helicopters. Hydrofoils Incorporated has been using this (100 mph plus) marine technology for over sixty years and have evolved it into a balanced, high speed, system. Costs approximately $3 million USD.

John Arruda, President of Turbine Marine Inc. Pompano Beach, Florida considered the premier, world, turbine supplier for very high performance marine craft and other turbine applications and the supplier of the engines for the 50T project added: “All of us at Turbine Marine Inc. are excited to be a part of the newest Hydrofoils Inc. project. Hydrofoils’ first 50’ high speed vessel will be powered by Turbine Marine Inc. Pompano Beach Florida. Working closely with the staff at Hydrofoils, both companies have developed a powerful, yet efficient, power module that will propel the proposed vessel to the reliability and performance goals expected. The Gas Turbine / electric Hybrid drive system will provide a total of 3600Hp for maximum cruising speed, and up to 400hp Eco friendly, electric drive for silent harbor maneuvering. This collaboration of technologies is a perfect match for of the future of high speed commercial and pleasure craft.

This a real game changer that finally allows marine transportation to compete with rail and auto” said Mr. Cook.


Lets foil Tack and Jibe !

By ASV Performance.

Generally overrated foiling tacks and jibes can become hard to master without the right tips.

Approaching these maneuvers at the right time is crucial. Make sure you can safely ride your hydrofoil without falling both upwind and downwind before even considering trying to learn these maneuvers.

In the columns below I have selected the key steps and the most effective tips to help you succeed. Make sure you are 80% with your tacks before attempt to jibe. Good luck !


Foiling Tack

Ideal conditions: 10 to 20 kts & smooth water

Preparation: with board laying on soft sand and hydrofoil dismounted, practice switching your feet. You need to be able to find your foostraps without looking.


  1. Approach the tack from about cross wind
  2. Keep two hands on the bar the whole time
  3. Send board into the wind the internal arm like like to create room for your head to go under your armpit
  4. Switch your feet before the nose of your board crosses the wind
  5. The kite must now be right on top of you
  6. As your front foot is on the new tack dive the kite and apply pressure with your back foot to keep foil engaged

Dos and Don’ts

  • Don’t approach from tight upwind angle. Will be too hard to maintain speed
  • Don’t switch feet too late or you’ll be sent into a 360
  • Don’t lean back our you’ll do a back roll
  • If your kite is still facing the old tack when you switch your feet you’ll fall back
  • If your kite is already going new tack when  switching the feet, you’ll be pulled forward before regain your balance on new tack

Foiling Jibe

Ideal conditions: 8 to 15 kts & smooth water

Preparation: Practice riding toe-side in a straight line


  1. Avoid going in the water under-powered
  2. Approach the jibe going a bit deeper then cross wind
  3. Go at slow speed
  4. Before switching your feet perform a little pump on the hydrofoil like if you had to go over a chop
  5. Make sure your bar is all the way down in search for power and the lift you need to stay up foiling
  6. Be as quick as possible to switch your front feet as the foil will tend to go down. Re-applly pressure with back foot as soon as possible to keep foiling
  7. With feet on new tack and kite above your head downloop the kite as high as possible
  8. Gently incline the foil to complete the turn
  9. Rise kite again to be able to put back foot into the strap

Dos and Don’ts

  • Don’t approach from too much downwind. You will not have enough lift from the kite
  • Don’t switch feet with inclined board
  • Don’t lean forward like in Formula’s jibes or you’ll sink the nose
  • complete the turn as quick and tight as possible to avoid your lines to go slack
  • Literally hang from the bar to have the kite take most of your weight

Watch the video below to get a visual of what explained. Bare in mind that placing your back foot in the back strap right away is not crucial to master those maneuvers. Quick feet and kite placement are super important so don’t overlook the preparation and stay focused.

Le ridicule ne tue pas ! (Silly never dies)




Alors que l’America’s Cup fait un grand pas en avant en France avec l’arrivée d’un nouveau sponsor pour l’équipe de Franck Cammas et l’accueil des AC World Series à Toulon en septembre prochain, la réalité est toute autre.

Demain s’entretient aujourd’hui !
Signer un nouveau sponsor est toujours un événement important dans l’histoire d’une équipe sportive, surtout quand il s’agit de l’America’s Cup. Bon an mal an la France réussit aléatoirement à participer au plus vieux Trophée sportif du Monde. Avec une aide financière de 1,5 million par an, l’apport de Norauto peut faire sourire quand on sait que cela ne couvrirait même pas la seule ligne salariale d’ORACLE Team USA alors que Russell Coutts est annoncé à plus de 45 000 € par mois et qu’un simple grinder américain gagnait mensuellement 25 000 € lors de la précédente édition… Seul point positif pour les Français est cette vision à long terme – cinq ans de partenariat – qui permet d’être plus réactif pour la 36e édition de la Coupe.

Toulon, Toulon, deux minutes d’arrêt
À 2 millions d’Euros l’étape des AC World Series, peu de ports en France pouvaient se permettre se luxe d’accueillir quatre régates (sic) des éliminatoires de l’America’s Cup. Quatre régates veulent dire quatre manches, soit deux manches uniquement par jour de course. À ce prix-là, la ville de Toulon a répondu présente et a déjà lâché 500 000 € sur la table, mais pour quelle visibilité ? Alors que les AC45F seront en stand-by du côté de la Seyne-sur-Mer, le carré du port de la ville de Toulon restera désespérément vide. Seuls les adeptes de baignade et de bains de soleil sur les plages du Mourillon pourront espérer jouir d’un spectacle de haute voltige caché derrière des gradins difficilement accessibles. Et pas question de voir cela depuis la mer, le périmètre de sécurité est tel que la compréhension des matchs sera bien difficile à comprendre… Mais bon pour deux fois 15 minutes de course quotidienne (33 000 € la minute au frais du contribuable tout de même), personne ne perdra réellement son temps…
Autant dire qu’il va falloir en brûler des cierges à la cathédrale de Toulon pour prier que les conditions météo soient favorables. Un coup de Mistral ou deux jours de pétole et cet événement interplanétaire sera de la poudre aux yeux !

Une visibilité internationale
La Coupe de l’America c’est surtout cela. Une visibilité internationale vendue pour 1 milliard de téléspectateurs. Mais ce que ne disent pas les organisateurs c’est que c’est 1 milliard potentiel tous médias confondus qui ont accepté de payer les droits de retransmission. Droits qui seront accordés aussi au compte-gouttes sur Youtube qui filtrera sans ménagement les adresses IP et donc les pays autorisés à admirer ce show nautique. Et c’est sans compter une application mobile PAYANTE toujours aussi décriée et inopérante. Pas moins de 2 étoiles sur Google Play… sur un score de 5. Beau score s’il en est pour une App à 25$ à l’année ou 7$ le week-end, ce à quoi il faut rajouter 4$ par week-end pour avoir droit à voir le Live… uniquement dans les pays concernés. Français passez votre chemin !

Pour en revenir sur les 1 Milliard de spectateurs, il est bon ton de rappeler que la chaine Youtube officielle de l’America’s Cup n’a que 150 000 abonnés et que la 9e et dernière manche cruciale de la 34e America’s Cup n’est qu’à 1 million de vue depuis 2 ans et demi de mise en ligne ! Et les Replay des différentes manches peinent à passer la barre des 300 000 vues. Autant dire que le milliard de téléspectateurs est loin d’être acquis et n’est qu’un tour de magie proposé par les commerciaux de la Coupe.

Et ce n’est pas nous, pauvres Français, qui allons aider à gonfler ces chiffres. La Coupe est une nouvelle fois prise en otage par le groupe Canal + qui aura l’exclusivité des retransmissions en France. Inutile d’espérer gruger et voir les matchs sur Youtube ou sur votre mobile. Pour accéder à la Coupe il faudra payer votre abonnement Canal +, ou une bière dans un bar et espérer que le public préféra regarder la voile plutôt que le foot. L’application mobile, payante il faut le rappeler, sera une nouvelle fois inopérante alors que les directs y seront bannis faute à la main mise de la chaine cryptée sur les droits de retransmission. Pour tenter d’y voir quelque chose l’application Periscope sera très certainement salvatrice…

Pour revenir à cette visibilité internationale, que penser d’un site Internet et d’un axe de communication entièrement tournés vers l’anglais ? Sur les six équipes présentes, la moitié ne font pas partie de pays anglophones. Ne décliner le site et les communiqués de presse qu’en anglais est un renfermement sur soi-même et non une ouverture sur le monde. Difficile d’attirer le chaland dans ses conditions et de gagner des parts de marché.

La Coupe de l’America est donc clairement rentrée dans une ère de profits au service de ses investisseurs aux dépens de ses acteurs et du consommateur. La mondialisation est partout…

Original post here


by ASV


The cold winter is coming to an end and it’s time to hit the water, train with others and get ourselves and our equipment dialed in. Cagliari is a great location, easy to reach and well known for hosting important kite racing events. So we’ve decided to join local Sardinian racers for a long weekend of training & racing to celebrate the beginning of spring!
Join us 18-19-20th of MARCH for three days of racing.

We’ll join the Sardinian and Italian hydrofoil fleet for some fun racing! Several practice races will be held on Friday and official races will take place Saturday and Sunday. Three days on a professionally placed course will be a great way to remove all the winter rust.

We won’t just race, we’ll help you tune your gear to its best potential and we’ll have two useful workshops. A Saturday workshop will cover Riding Technique & Tuning, and for Sunday, Training & Fitness for kite racing.


It’s possible to fly to Cagliari starting from 19€ from London, Paris, Geneva, Nice, Basilea, Berlin, Frankfurt, Barcelona and other European cities with Ryanair ,Vuelig, EasyJet. We recommend staying in the Nautilus Hotel because of its location which is right on the water and prices start at 35€ per person per night. Other options can be searched for on
Weather wise Cagliari should see air temps around 20 degrees and water temps around 17 degrees.


ça foil en Bretagne!

by Bretagne Development Innovation.

Windsurf, Kite, Catamaran, Imoca, Moth sont maintenant montés sur foil et décollent de l’eau pour plus de vitesse et de nouvelles sensations. Les compétences bretonnes en nautisme de compétition et en matériaux sont bien entendus aux avant-postes pour proposer des produits au top de cette nouvelle forme de glisse.

Bretagne Development Innovation, BDI est née de la volonté de se doter d’un processus d’impulsion et de coordination des changements à opérer pour développer l’économie régionale et accroître l’attractivité du territoire.

Foiling weapon for the 2024 Olympic Games

by surfertoday.

NeilPryde is playing its trump card for the 2024 Summer Olympics. And the weapon of choice is a small 120-liter windsurfing board with a hydrofoil. It’s called RS:X Convertible.


In the early months of 2012, the future of Olympic windsurfing looked doomed, and kiteboarding was gaining ground. Richard Branson lobbied vigorously for kites, and the governing body for the sport of sailing even voted for the inclusion of the sport in Rio 2016.

Fortunately for the windsurfing community, the decision was reverted. Four years later, NeilPryde decides to play it safe and unveiled a spectacular new RS:X experimental model for 2024 – that’s eight years before the event – at the 2016 World Windsurfing Championships, held in Eilat, Israel.

The host of the 2024 Olympic Games is still unknown. Budapest, Paris, Los Angeles and Rome are the candidate cities and, therefore, the official list of sports has not yet been announced.

But NeilPryde’s foil windsurfing kit is a tactical maneuver. The brand wants to make sure the sport keeps its Olympic status, so time and momentum are its strongest allies. The new RS:X Olympic weapon will also be available in the RS:One version.


Full article here

“Safety is only an excuse”

by International A-Division Catamaran Association.



On February 18, in an meeting with the Vice -President of the French national sailing regulator, the FFV, Jean-Pierre Churet, French A Class Association President  Thierry Boisbouvier and Vice President Jacques Piallat  said that the FFV conceders the A-Class to be a flying boat and as such, two possibilities were offered to them:

  1. To separate the flying (Open) and non-flying (Classic) on different courses;
  2. To limit the number of boats (flying and non-flying together) starting together in one race to about 25, and thus to have several fleets if there are more than 25 entered.

Whether if either of these rules are to be applied, this could well lead to the cancelling of French National Championship in 2016 at Quiberon on the grounds of safety.

What is at stake?

Safety is only an excuse.  The real reason is that, in the case of accident, the FFV is afraid of ending up in court being accused of having run boats that are supposedly incompatible with each other, regardless of the fact that they all measure as ‘A’ Class Catamarans legally within the World Sailing affiliated international association (IACA).

Faced with this dogmatic position, no rational argument based on reality or facts seems admissible.

What to do ?

Five major options are available to the AFCCA.

1. Proposed “consensus” of the FFV

For larger gatherings 20-25 mixing vessels of both ‘Flying’ and ‘Classic’, the FFV offers to cut the fleet in as many packets of 20-25 boats as necessary and provide starts on the same course every 10mins. After each race, the fleet is remixed for everyone to race all their competitors. In the end, it comes back to the double classification.

This solution seems complicated to implement, will pose problems for validating championships in the difficult and variable weather, multiply the potential ‘dangerous’ crossovers on the course and take away a lot of sporting interest at large gatherings.

However, it is viable for regional regattas and TTs that rarely exceed 25 ‘A’ Class boats.

2.  Separate Open and Classic Fleets

Bowing to the diktats of FFV to save the Nationals only for 2016 and a separation is imposed between Open and Classic, with separate starts and separate results.

But remembering that any final changes such as this cannot be made that the AG and AFCCA, who by definition, must follow the rules of the IACA.

3. Hold it abroad.

In 2016, as a result of the intransigence of the FFV, the AFCCA organizes a foreign based National Championships, possibly by joining in with a regatta already organised. This will give them a year to find a solution.

4. Cancellation the 2016 Nationals.

The AFCCA simply cancel the 2016 nationals at Quiberon and still waiting to find a solution.

This can only be done in agreement with the club that has done them the honor of agreeing to host the event and suffer possible penalties in doing so.

5. Conduct a legal and media battle with the FFV.

Thierri has consulted an attorney who looked into an account of the light of the facts of reality, accidents between ‘A’ class boats, considering international practices, and it appears that the safety argument is devoid of any serious grounds.

This leaves them with Media actions and possible other remedies provided that members of the AFCCA would want this.

The survival of the class, as we know it, is at stake and its fate seems sealed already’ says an exasperated Boisbouvier. ‘If the survival of the class is not really in question, this development of the championships could be broken by the FFV, depriving France of international sailors. Then France becomes a terra non grata for foreigners. We cannot expect the 2016 Nationals at Quiberon to decide.

The AFCCA wants a vote (reserved for it’s members in 2015 or 2016) with a suggestion to 3 choices for each item:
Yes (I fully endorse this proposal)
No (I totally refuse this proposal)
Acceptable (to break the deadlock, I am prepared to accept)

This piece has been translated and edited from the AFCCA Website

These guys need our support.