Tag Archives: AC35

Franck Cammas : «Notre retard en design est comblé »

by voilesetvoiliers.com

Ne croyez-pas que Franck Cammas se prélasse dans son canapé durant sa convalescence suite à son accident de décembre (double fracture ouverte tibia-péroné) ! Le skipper de Groupama Team France est tous les jours ou presque à la base de Lorient, au four et au moulin… alors que la construction de l’AC 45 Turbo vient de démarrer sur trois sites distincts. Petit point à un an et demi de la 35e édition aux Bermudes.

Photo @ Didier Ravon

Photo @ Didier Ravon

Voilesetvoiliers.com : Déjà, comment va ta jambe ?

Franck Cammas : Ça va plutôt bien. La plaie n’est pas tout à fait rebouchée, mais les os commencent à se consolider selon les radios. J’ai attaqué la rééducation à Kerpape (l’un des centres d’excellence en France en la matière ; ndlr). Quand je vais pouvoir poser le pied par terre et pouvoir mettre du poids dessus, je serai content.

Voilesetvoiliers.com : Tu espères pouvoir re-naviguer quand ?

F.C. : Franchement, je ne peux pas le dire à ce jour, mais j’espère fin … continue reading on voilesetvoiliers.com

The next AC will be sailed in one-design boats

From Sailinganarchy.com

ac48 od

As Ferrari finally gives Italy something to cheer for in top level racing, the fanatical Italian fans are on the verge of losing their maritime standard bearer Luna Rossa thanks to the impending vote on the new America’s Cup One-Design 48. That’s right, folks, and you heard it here first, of course: The next AC will be sailed in one-design boats – at least if Tuesday’s Challenger vote goes the way we forecast. And Emirates Team New Zealand may follow Prada right out the door, making Russell Coutts the most hated man in New Zealand for the second time, and in Italy for the first.

Continue reading on Sailinganarchy.com

Will the 2017 America’s Cup be less expensive? We’ll know before April

From AC Media


The competitors and organizers of the 2017 America’s Cup are planning to implement a series of rule changes to dramatically reduce team operational costs, primarily by racing in a smaller boat.

“After reviewing prototypes of the new AC45 sports boats being tested on the water over the past several months, it is clear that if we raced smaller boats in 2017, we could dramatically reduce costs without sacrificing any of the spectacle or the design, engineering and athletic challenge fundamental to the America’s Cup,” said Commercial Commissioner Harvey Schiller.

“We have a responsibility to think of what is best for the long term health of the America’s Cup as well as improving the value equation for team principals and partners. Racing a smaller boat in 2017 and beyond is a big step in the right direction.

“The existing operational costs of teams is much too high with a boat like the AC62. We discussed making this change early last year at a Competitors meeting in London but at that www only ORACLE TEAM USA and Emirates Team New Zealand were in favor of using a smaller boat.

“But now that the teams have seen these new boats in action there is a clear majority of competitors who support the idea. I’d like to be able to say we have unanimous support from all the teams but that is not the case.”

Boat speed in the new boat is expected to be similar to what was achieved in the last America’s Cup through increased time foiling and advances in design and engineering.

“This will be a big change, but it is a necessary one if we are to create a sustainable America’s Cup for the future,” said Sir Ben Ainslie, the skipper and team principal of Ben Ainslie Racing. “These boats will create a significant cost saving whilst still providing a real challenge for sailors and designers alike.”

“For Team France this will be a game-changer,” said skipper Franck Cammas. “We will be able to have a very competitive team for about half the budget. With the smaller boat we can imagine that a budget between €15-20 million would be enough to win the America’s Cup.”

To lock in the cost saving measures over the long-term several competitors, including Artemis Racing, have committed to using the new smaller class in the next edition of the America’s Cup should they prevail in this one.

“These changes may help some current teams be more competitive, but this is clearly also about building the future of the America’s Cup,” said Iain Percy, the team manager of Artemis Racing.

“By making a commitment now to using the smaller boat next time, it will be that much easier for new teams to join as they’ll have access to existing boats and technology. So this has required us to look a little bit beyond the scope of ‘what’s in it for us?’.”

The rule changes are being drafted and teams will be asked to vote on these changes before the end of March.

Ben Ainslie Racing: Bermuda race course reconnaissance

From yachtingworld.com

The British AC team is the first to start work on developing a playbook for the Bermuda venue


Ben Ainslie Racing is the first Cup team to start active training on the water in Bermuda. On the face of it there is nothing surprising about starting a Cup campaign this early, especially at a new venue. But what makes the team’s account on how they are going about assessing the venue, ‘writing the playbook’ as they call it more remarkable to me is how quickly they have moved on from learning to handle eye wateringly quick, twin trapeze, foiling cats to concentrating on figuring out what makes the new course area tick.

Read more at YachtingWorld

Adrian Newey gets to realise America’s Cup dream in tie-up with Sir Ben Ainslie

adrian newey

Adrian Newey, F1’s pre-eminent designer, has always dreamed of being part of a challenge on the America’s Cup yacht race and a tie-up announced today with British sailing hero Sir Ben Ainslie brings him into that world.
Newey has withdrawn from front line, day to day F1 activity, to work with Red Bull Advanced Technologies and Ben Ainslie Racing is partnering with RBAT in the field of advanced simulation and mathematical modelling.
“RBAT will apply its simulation and modelling skills to assist Ben Ainslie Racing in various areas of their campaign, as BAR aims to bring the America’s Cup home to Britain,” said a statement this afternoon.
Meanwhile Sir Ben Ainslie said: “BAR are really excited to be partnering with Red Bull Advanced Technologies. We are in a unique position in this country, and this campaign is about assimilating the very best of British in design and engineering – RBAT epitomises this.”
Ainslie is challenging for the 35th America’s Cup, hoping to win it for Britain. He won it as a skipper for the USA team last time out, coming in to turn around a deficit to Team New Zealand of 8-1 into a stunning 9-8 victory in San Francisco and his pedigree as an Olympic sailor is unmatched.
Ainslie said of Newey, “He’s a really lovely guy and the most successful designer in Formula One history. He’s keen on racing in the America’s Cup, it’s great for us.”
“It’s all about aerodynamics and hydraulics so we’ve already started discussions with the motorsport teams in the Formula One world.”

adrian newey

Newey has long talked about the America’s Cup as a challenge that stimulates him beyond life in F1. He looked around for a new challenge last season, talking to Ferrari about a possible transfer to Maranello, but Red Bull persuaded him to stay in Britain and in their family, rather than to compete against them.
RBAT trades on the intellectual property, engineering excellence and technological know-how developed through F1 competition.
Newey’s designs have won world championships for Williams, McLaren and Red Bull in a career spanning over 25 years.

Source: jamesallenonf1.com

Oracle Team USA Picks Bermuda for 2017 America’s Cup

Source: The Wall Street Journal


As defending champion of the America’s Cup, the world’s premier sailing competition,Oracle Team USA had the right to choose the location of the next venue. The heavy favorite appeared to be San Diego, a former Cup site in the home state of billionaire Larry Ellison , the Oracle team’s owner…

Continue reading on The Wall Street Journal