Tag Archives: flying phantom

Foiling Week 2020 Results


pos nat sail no. sailor club
1 MLT 2915 SCHULTHEIS, Richard Malta Young Sailors Club
4 HUN 2740 MUNKA, Marton Tecon
5 MLT 2586 SCHULTHEIS, Victoria Malta Young Sailors Club
7 CZE 2572 MARECEK, Simon YC Brno
9 FRA 2358 MANU, Taine Club var mer
10 ITA 2669 ZIPPERLE, Marc Fraglia Vela Malcesine
11 GBR 2867 CARVETH, Geoff Warsash SC
13 CZE 2573 VÍTOVEC, Matej YC CERE
14 ESP 8 RUIZ PONCE, Pablo RCN Palma
15 SUI 2536 DUCHOUD, Nicolas SCoW
16 CRO 2542 MATULIC, Krsto Yc Biograd
18 MLT 2383 SCHULTHEIS, Antonia Malta Young Sailors Club
20 HUN 2539 GEMESI, Gyula D-one
21 SUI 2540 GLOOR, Michael ZYC/SCH
22 SUI 2194 MÜLLER, Pit SCC
22 FRA 4659 ARTHAUD, Aymeric SRA


pos nat sail no. sailor club
4 ESP 4623 BOTIN, Diego Real Club Marítimo de Santander
5 GER 4 MÄGE, Maximilian BYC
6 FRA 7 MARIE, Benoit Sno Nantes
7 SUI 4152 RIGOT, Fabrice
9 GER 4047 HUBER, Thomas SVBb
10 GER 4340 ADOLPH, Kai Dtyc
11 SWE 4599 INKYOV, Danny KSSS
12 FRA 465 BERNAZ, Jean-Baptiste Sainte maxime
14 POL 4609 GRACZYK, Robert MKZ
15 ESP 32 MASSANET, Toni RCN Palma
16 AUT 4040 HRIBAR, Philipp kyco
17 FRA 4049 HIRTZMANN , Paul SNL
18 NED 4563 COSTER, Kalle
19 SWE 4608 BERGSTROM, Jonatan GKSS
20 GER 4375 MÄGE, Franziska BYC
21 CRO 4633 DOGAN, Luka JK Split
22 FRA 4396 DELPECH, Noé YCPR Marseille
23 ESP 6 CARDONA, Joan RCN Palma
24 GER 4624 MAEGE, Carlo FSV
25 SUI 4275 SCHILLER, Philippe societe nautique geneve
26 FRA 4480 D’ORTOLI, Julien YCPR
28 GER 3797 FOLLMANN, Patrick DTYC
31 FRA 4520 LE GUIL, Gaetan YCF
32 SLO 4201 TOMORI, Luka JK Pirat, Portoroz
33 GER 4698 MICHAEL , Thias WSGR
34 FRA 3488 D’ORTOLI, Romain YCPR
36 ITA 4451 VOGT, Jonas DTYC
38 GBR 4149 BRIDLE, Graham Brightlingsea
41 SWE 4291 BERGSTRÖM , Rasmus GKSS
42 GBR 4179 REES, Philip BELTER
43 FRA 4072 SUQUART, Morgane ANSQ
44 SUI 3774 MEYER, Mathieu Société nautique de genève
46 FRA 4659 ARTHAUD, Aymeric
47 FRA 3275 BOULE, Caroline
48 ITA 4 DE FELICE, Lorenzo Medium
48 ITA 4638 ZENNARO, Enrico Yacht Club Portopiccolo A.S.D.
48 SRB 3983 GAL, Viktor JK Palic
48 GBR 3978 ELDRIDGE , Bobby ESSC
48 GER 3622 BRAUN, Ludwig SGU
48 AUT 4667 AICHHOLZER , Christoph SCTWV Achensee

Persico 69F – GP 2.1

pos team crew points
1 KINGDOM TEAM NL Lambieux, Savelon, van Aanholt, Gallinaro, van Rooijen 89.5
2 FANTASTICA 2 Fanceschini, Celon, Salvà 86.0
3 RHKYC TEAM AGIPALST Cantero, Gregor, Jacobsen 59.5
4 OKALYS Mettraux, Casas, Ravussin 48.5
5 FANTASTICA 1 Gobbi, Cirillo, De Luca 39.5
6 SECTION 16 Alloway, Davies, Rast 33.5


pos wing rider
1 Balz Muller
2 Riccardo Zorzi
3 Paolo Migliorini
4 Matteo Guazzoni
5 Edoardo Vivian
6 Mattias Muller
7 Ivano Bommartino
8 Stefano Battistoni
9 Ivan Scimonelli
10 Elia Rossetti

Flying Phantom

pos sail no. crew club
1 SUI 002 Morgan LAUBER Sebastien AUBORD CNM
2 SUI 5 5 Alexandre SCHNEITER Kristoffer JONSONN SNG

Single Catamaran

pos boat sail no. crew club
1 Classe A GER 6 Rainer BOHRER CVA
2 S9 ITA 00 Alessandro CALDARI C.V.Ravennate
3 IFLY 15 NED V Jentje DE BOER WSV Bestevaer
4 S9 ITA 1 Michele PETRUCCI CV Cesenatico
5 IFLY 15 GER X Ernst-Michael MILLER YcStH
6 S9 ITA 4 Giacomo BANDINI Circolo Vela Cesenatico
7 S9 GBR 2 Flaviano TESSITORE LNI Ostia
8 S9 ITA 0 Carlo Federico FELETTI ADRIATICO Wind Club
10 S9 ITA 007 Federico VILLANI CDV ROMA
10 IFLY 15 FRA IIII Antoine PETIT CNS Sciez
10 S9 ITA 41 Giambattista GIACCHETTI SV Viareggina

MATCH RACE – by World Match Racing Tour and 10′ Pocket Foiler

pos crew
1 Vittoria Caputo
2 Jacopo Travaini
3 Sofia Caputo
4 Pietro Ferromilone
5 Andrea-Luca Bristot
6 Leonardo Giaccetti

Sette barche per volare a partire da 3.900 euro

da il Giornale della Vela.

In questi ultimi anni la foiling mania ha prodotto una nuova generazione di barche alla portata di tutti, che potete comprare domani mattina. Non solo nel mondo dei kite e dei surf a vela ma anche tra i monoscafi. Si parte dall’evoluzione semplificata del Moth, il Wasp (pesa solo 45 kg!) che ti porti a casa con poco più di 10.000 dollari, oppure puoi dotare delle magiche alette un qualsiasi Laser con 3.900 euro. Tra i catamarani con neppure 18.000 euro c’è a disposizione lo Stunt S9 dell’italiana Bimare, facilissimo da trasportare e da condurre con i suoi 4,16 metri di lunghezza. Basta salire di prezzo per entrare nel mondo dei cat che si avvicinano le prestazioni dei Coppa America. Per i cabinati da crociera, mono o multi, c’è ancora da aspettare un po’, anche se la prima barca in serie da regata arriverà da Beneteau per l’estate. Ma state sicuri, ci arriveremo. Per adesso accontentatevi delle sette barche aperte e tavole che trovate qui sotto nelle splendide foto di Martina Orsini. Buon volo.

Anche il “vecchio” Laser può volare. Ci ha pensato l’autraliano Peter Stephenson che ha inventato un kit semplicissimo per dotare di foil il Laser (più 200.000 barche prodotte). Il kit costa 3.900 euro e lo trovate QUI

Foiling Laser

© Martina Orsini per Foiling Week

2. A 24 NODI CON 11.500 DOLLARI
Il Waspz e’ il monoscafo con foil alla portata di tutti. Derivato dal Moth, è più facile da usare e, soprattutto, abbordabile. Costa 11.500 dollari compresa spedizione e viene prodotto in serie, smontabile e facilmente trasportabile, è lungo m. 3,35, pesa 45 kg e raggiunge oltre 24 nodi. Lo si può acquistare on line su: www.waszp.com

Waszp @ Foiling Week 2016

© Martina Orsini per Foiling Week

Un milione e mezzo di praticanti nel mondo fanno del Kite, la tavola spinta dal vento grazie ad un ala, l’oggetto volante più diffuso del mondo. E anche il meno costoso. L’adozione del foil ha reso la tavola, se ce n’era bisogno, ancora più performante e, soprattutto eccitante permette di volare sia a 20 metri sopra l’acqua sia a 30 nod navigandoi a pelo d’acqua. Esistono infinite possibilità di scelta, basta digiitare su internet Kite Foil per aprirsi un mondo incredibile. Il Kite, con o senza foil, è candidato ad un posto alle prossime olimpiadi della vela.

kitefoil @ Foiling Week 2016

© Martina Orsini per Foiling Week

Il capostipite dei monoscafi volanti, il Moth, e’ nato nel 2001 nella sua forma definitiva, misura 3,25 m e pesa 26 kg, nuovo costa da 20.000 euro, si trovano buoni usati sui 10/12.000 euro. In Italia c’è una classe molto attiva, IMCA Italy, e un bel circuito di regate nazionale ed europeo: www.moth.it

Moth @ Foiling Week 2016

© Martina Orsini per Foiling Week

E’ tutto italiano il catamarano Stunt S9 con foil, ideale per iniziare a volare. Misura 4,16 e pesa solo 78 kg, l’ha disegnato Michele Petrucci che lo produce nel suo cantiere Bimare. Costa 17.990 euro IVA compresa. www.s9team.eu

S9 @ Foiling Week 2016

© Martina Orsini per Foiling Week

Al salone di Parigi del dicembre 2013 viene presentato un catamano a foil di soli 5,52 m, il primo in serie, si chiama Fying Phantom. Questa piccola Formula 1 della vela costa attorno ai 38.500 euro tutto compreso e c’è un folto circuito europeo di regate. www.phantom-international.com

Flying Phantom @ Foiling Week 2016

© Martina Orsini per Foiling Week

Il cantiere specialista in catamarani aperti ha dotato il suo modello F 20 di “Flight Control System” per farlo volare. Il Nacra 20 FCS (m. 6,20×3,20) è disegnato da Pete Melvin e Gino Morelli, gli autori del regolamento della Coppa America 2013 e i suoi foil ricordano quelli apputo degli AC72. www.nacrasailing.com

Nacra 20fcs @ Foiling Week 2016

© Martina Orsini per Foiling Week

A seguire questo bell’articolo tratto dal sito de il Giornale della Vela pubblicheremo a breve un secondo post completando l’elenco delle altre barche volanti già disponibili sul mercato. Stay tuned!

Foiling Week expands in 2016

The Foiling Weektm is the first and only series of global events dedicated to the amazingly fast foiling boats, their sailors, designers and builders.

After two successful editions in 2014 and 2015 held at Fraglia Vela Malcesine on Lake Garda in Italy, Foiling Weektm is happy to announce that in 2016 the Foiling Week will also hold an additional event in the USA.


In its third year Foiling Week Association has decided to follow up on the numerous overseas requests to hold a Foiling Week event and as a result, Sail Newport, in Newport R.I. will co-organize the second act of the Foiling Week Series 2016.

The first event in Malcesine on Lake Garda from July 7th to 10th is the ‘classic’ Foiling Week organized by Foiling Week Association together with Fraglia Vela Malcesine.

The second event of Foiling Weektm in 2016 takes place in Newport, Rhode Island, USA from September 8th to 11th.

The program will include the Forums to be held in the morning and the on water activities mainly in the afternoon with a Foiling Expo and Foiling Boat Trials available throughout the week. There will be races for the one-design classes, long distance races along with prototypes, a speed contest and a permanent training area for those not racing at that time.

Foiling Week – Malcesine, Lake Garda

At Malcesine the Moth class will have an excellent opportunity to test the waters of the venue that will host the 2017 International Moth World Championship.


The Flying Phantoms will hold a regatta as part of the 2016 Flying Phantom Series and the GC32 foiling catamarans return for a leg of the 2016 GC32 Racing Tour. The Waszp, S9, kitefoils and prototypes will also race over two race courses during Foiling Week in Lake Garda.


Nicolas Felix from Phantom International: “For the second year in a row, the Flying Phantom Series will join the Foiling Week event in early July. Lake Garda is one of the favourite sailing venues for European sailors and a perfect place to organize Flying Phantom races. With its unique dedication to foiling boats with new foiling classes this year, The Foiling Week is definitely one of the key events of the season and also a great opportunity to enjoy this fantastic area.


About their participation at Foiling Week 2016, Christian Scherrer, the GC32 Class Manager, declared: “The GC32 Racing Tour is looking forward to coming to Malcesine on Lake Garda for the second event in our season. Having the GC32 Malcesine Cup as part of The Foiling Week gives this event a very special status. The Fraglia Vela Malcesine will become the hot spot for the foiling community for the first week of July. We are counting on a great event and interesting meetings ashore.


The President of Fraglia Vela Malcesine, Gianni Testa, says: “We’re enthusiastic to be part of such a successful project that this year will also expand to Newport, USA. The Foiling Week has gained a very special status within the foiling community and in the 2016 we welcome as new member of our foiling family the GC32 catamarans with their Racing Tour. Lake Garda is one of the best spot for sailing and we’re happy to organize for the third year in a row this exciting event together with the The Foiling Week Association. We look forward to the first week of July and to lots of exciting days with foiling boats!

Foiling Week – Newport R.I.

Newport will hold races including the Moth North-American Championship and the A Class Catamaran Pre-Nationals. The C Class multihulls and a lot of prototypes will fly during the week from 8th to 11th September.


Brad Read, who heads Sail Newport, which masterminded the last Volvo Ocean Race stopover, declared “We are very excited to bring this international event to Newport. High-performance sailing has a home here and has for generations. Sail Newport Sailing Centre is the home of one of the nations largest foiling Moth classes. Narragansett Bay is popular for kite boarders which are now equipped with lifting foils as well as the foiling A Class catamaran fleet in Bristol.
Boats that literally fly out of the water are not a new development. The technology is becoming more ‘mainstream’. We look forward to the sharing of technology and showcasing ideas among sailors from around the world in Newport Rhode Island in September.


In the past editions a lot of flying boats including foiling mono hulls, multi hulls, kite-surf boards, windsurfers, and a wide variety of prototypes have been sailed by sailors including professionals such as Sebastian Col, Francois Gabart, Josh McKnight, Stefano Rizzi, to name just a few.

In both venues the Forums will be scheduled during the week with presentations in the morning and a round table with Q and A’s to close the sessions on these days.


Around 40 influential speakers will join in the most relevant Foiling Forum subjects worldwide for three days. In previous editions, designers, sailors and builders including Tom Speer, Martin Fischer, Kevin Hall, Davide Tagliapietra, Doug Schickler, Guillaume Verdier and Andrew ‘Amac’ McDougal have provided detailed analysis, explained projects and shared informative discussion on the art of foiling and ideas for future developments.

Forum Workshops will be scheduled during the mornings and at the end of racing in the afternoons from Thursday 7th to Saturday 9th July in Malcesine and from Thursday 8th to Saturday 10th in Newport. Special forum sessions are open to those who have innovative ideas and projects to propose.

An Exhibition of foiling crafts and test trials on board some of the boats, provides a rare opportunity to try the ‘third mode of sailing’.

Nominations are now open for Boat Show exhibitors and sponsors who would like to support the events.

Foiling! – Fast, Furious and Fun

The foiling week is pleased to invite applications to the Malcesine and Newport Forums. We are also pleased to invite local and international companies to sponsor and/or exhibit at the Foiling Week events 2016. Please write to contact@old.foilingweek.com

Heaven Can Wait

by The Royal Gazette


The Flying Phantom Series finale has been cancelled.

The regatta featuring 18-foot foiling catamarans, which was scheduled to take place on the Great Sound next week, was supposed to start on Sunday.

However, the start was postponed after a container housing ten Phantom catamarans from Europe arrived on the Island on November 16 on the Oleander cargo ship, but was mistakenly then shipped to New York the following day.

Despite efforts to salvage the event, including having the boats returned to the Island by Monday, the decision has been made to cancel the regatta.

Local organisers have yet to comment.

However, a spokesman for the Phanton International said: “Everybody is very disappointed, the sailors, the RBYC and all people that participated to the organization of the event. This mistake on the container management induced the cancellation of the event.

“We will evaluate with the class and RBYC to reschedule an event next year and would like to thank you and partners that supported the RBYC and the regatta.”

Yesterday, Warren Jones, the chief executive officer of Polaris Holding Company, the parent company of Stevedoring Services, apologised for his company’s mistake in sending the boats to New York.

“Certainly a mistake was made and they did go out, and we have made every effort to get them back as soon as we possibly can,” Jones said.

“I accept that responsibility and expressed my apologies to the organisers. We consider this as a very serious matter and take great pride in what we do. We are taking every effort to ensure that, as far as we can help it, that it doesn’t happen again.”

Jones said the container was mistakenly viewed to be an export.

“We’ve looked at what occurred, how it occurred and put steps in place to minimise it happening because in this business it can happen and does happen.

“Our business is serious and every mistake we make can cost thousands, so we are doing everything we can to ensure it doesn’t happen.

“There were other things that could have happened to mitigate this as well that have nothing to do with us. But the main thing is that if it didn’t go on the boat those things wouldn’t happened either.”

Phantom International and Royal Bermuda Yacht Club, the regatta hosts, considered bringing the container back by cargo plane. However, that solution was abandoned because of Thanksgiving.

Flying Phantom Series – Bermuda 2015

by phantom-international.com


This week-end will start the final act of the 2015 Flying Phantom Series that will take place in Hamilton – Bermuda from the Sunday 29th of November to Wednesday 2nd of December 2015.

An international fleet of Flying Phantoms will come together to enjoy 4 days of intense racing on Bermuda’s Great Sound. Bermuda was host in October of the Louis Vuitton America’s Cup World Series racing circuit and will be the venue for the 2017 America’s Cup. With the Flying Phantom Series Bermuda 2015, it will confirm that Bermuda is the place to be for foiling events.

The One Design races will take place in the Great Sound, the large body of water surrounded on almost all sides by the islands of Bermuda. A spectacular location offering what should be ideal conditions.   The Flying Phantoms will be racing against each other on a course specially prepared by the Regatta Director David Campbell James. These courses will be laid out to offer a reaching start with a clearing mark in the middle, a leeward gate, a windward gate and a reaching finish after rounding the final mark. This should ensure fast, exciting and close racing on catamarans that take off in just seven knots of wind and can fly at two and half times the real wind speed.

Thirteen Flying Phantom teams registered with two additional pending coming from Europe and USA as well as from Bermuda as Oracle Team USA and Artemis Racing have based their own Flying Phantoms there.

DMS Sailing team – UK: Tom Phipps & Jonathan Cook
Artemis Racing – SWE: Nathan Outteridge & Iain Jensen
Artemis Racing – SWE: Luke Parkinson & Ayden Menzies
Team Tilt – SUI: Sebastien Schneiter & Lucien Cujean
Sailing Team Phantomas – GER: Raphael Neuhann &  Elias Neuhann
Lupe Tortillas – USA: John Tomko & Jonathan Atwood
Blag Flag Racing – FRA: Hugo Fedrigucci & Virgil Aubriot
Team Momentys – FRA: Normand Thomas & Antoine Joubert
Team Rogues – FRA: Sebastien Rogues & Cantin Roger
Team Zoulou – FRA: Erik Maris & Christian Tiggeler
Solidaires en Peloton – FRA: Thibaut Vauchel-Camus & Benjamin Lamotte
Phantom Sailing Team – FRA: Gurvan Bontemps & Benjamin Amoit
Phantom Sailing Team – FRA: Billy Besson & Matthieu Vandame
+ Pending Oracle Team USA

Phantom International wish to thank the sponsors and partners that made this possible: Bermuda TourismHarkenGosling’s RumKaenon and Royal Bermuda Yacht Club

Schedule of the event

Saturday 28 November
0900 – 1800   Measurement/Registration/Inspection
1730         Competitors Briefing
1800         Opening Ceremony

Sunday 29 November
1055         Racing

Monday 30 November
1055         Racing

Tuesday 1 December
1055         Racing

Wednesday 2 December
1055         Racing
1730         Prize Giving and Closing Ceremony

To follow the event: Flying Phantom Series Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/events/494805030694544/

Foiling Week™ 2015 – François Gabart

Interview by Foiling Week.

Vainqueur du Vendée Globe à seulement 29 ans, François Gabart est considéré comme l’un des marins les plus doués de sa génération. Révélé sur le circuit Figaro Bénéteau II, il est devenu skipper professionnel en 2008 et porte les couleurs de la Macif depuis 2010. Il navigue aujourd’hui à bord du 60 pieds MACIF depuis 2011 à bord duquel il a récemment bouclé son premier tour du monde en solitaire sans escale.

Eurocat 2015: The première for the Flying Phantom Series

Pierrick Contin

The Eurocat is one of Europe’s biggest gatherings of racing catamarans. This year, it was also the first event for the Flying Phantom catamarans: The Flying Phantom Series – Eurocat 2015. Whereas the weather conditions were tough during the three days of racing, the race committee managed to launch 6 races for the Flying Phantom Fleet. Out of the fifteen or so Flying Phantoms initially planning to race, seven boats registered.

Among the participants, Franck Cammas was sailing the Team Momentys Flying Phantom with Antoine Joubert. Franck is not a stranger to the Flying Phantom due to the fact he was involved in the program during the research and development phase. Franck was keen to take part in this first event in spite of his very busy agenda that includes his Olympic campaign, C-Class- Catamaran and AC45 racing in the America’s Cup World Series. Sébastien Rogues was crewed by Benjamin Lamotte and was eager to increase his knowledge of multihulls and flying boats as this will be his main activity in 2015. And finally a couple of amateur sailors with crews completed by the Phantom Sailing team of Billy Besson – Matthieu Vandame and Gurvan Bontemps – Benjamin Amiot.

Day 1

On the first race day of the Eurocat, three races were completed. Under a cloudy sky with 15 knots of wind with gusts above 20 knots, the race committee decided to choose a standard upwind-downwind race course instead of the reaching start and finish format. The first race was an opportunity to gauge themselves and to adjust the strategies sailing mostly upwind where they had to choose between skimming versus flying mode. Franck Cammas and Team Momentys took victory in this first race after leading on every leg leg. Unfortunately for Billy Besson and Matthieu Vadame, they were not able to finish the second race and take the start of the third one following a mechanical problem. Race 2 and 3 were won by the duo Gurvan Bontemps and Benjamin Amiot after intensive battles with Team Momentys.

Day 2

The weather in the morning of day 2 was not very favorable with a southerly wind blowing at 19 to 25 knots with gusts up to 34 knots. Given these poor conditions, the race director decided not to run the long distance race.

Day 3

For the final day of racing, the weather was much milder than the previous day in Carnac. In the morning the wind was blowing at 20 knots, settling down to 17 knots. After a brief wait ashore, the competitors sailed to the race area for the last 3 races of the event. The showdown between the top three teams was really impressive with a lot of lead changes and tactical battles upwind and downwind. In this contest, Gurvan Bontemps and Benjamin Amiot were the most consistent in their results and with their experience of the Flying Phantom they managed to win 1 of the three races enabling them to achieve overall victory. Billy Besson and Matthieu Vandame won the other 2 races.


The Flying Phantom Series Eurocat 2015 event was a complete success and was particularly well organized by the Yacht Club de Carnac and thanks to the excellent professionalism of the race committee. This event was a brilliant demonstration of the concept of one design Flying Phantom regattas and paves the way for the future legs in the circuit.

Gurvan Bontemps, winner of the Flying Phantom Series Eurocat 2015 with Benjamin Amiot
“I’m super happy with the competition. We finish in the sunshine after 3 days of difficult weather. We were all a little bit cautious as it was the first ever flying sports catamaran regatta. We discovered in racing conditions the different sailing modes upwind between skimming, flying and VMG optimization and that was very instructive. The level was pretty high with Billy and Franck, who are world class sailors sailing the Olympic catamaran, reinforcing the challenge and the competition out on the water. All crews had the opportunity to ramp up their knowledge of the Flying Phantom, the manoeuvres and speed … It is just fantastic to cross each other and be able to race in contact in full flying mode. I’m glad to see the result of the work carried out over the last 2 years on the Flying Phantom and looking forward the next races with more boats.”

Alex Udin
“It is great to have our first fleet event. Last year we had only one boat racing. What a success now to have so many boats out on the water. Unfortunately the weather was not easy, as it was hard for the sailors with a lot of wind and rain, but the result is just amazing with six races completed.
It was fantastic to see the confrontation between the experience of Gurvan Bontemps, the talent of Billy Besson and the competitive spirit of Franck Cammas.
Having big names from the sailing world racing this week-end was important, but the great mix is also to have professional sailors and amateur sailors: this is very important for us. A good balance of both categories will ensure the success of the series.
The Eurocat is the first event of the Flying Phantom Series this year. This was also the first real one design fleet race with foiling sports catamarans. Several events will follow in Europe starting with the Round Texel race in early June, Geneva in Switzerland for another One Design event and then back to France for the Raid Emeraude, a long distance race event in St. Lunaire. These will be followed by a few more events before the end of the season. It will be awesome to continue to see these sailors sailing all together on the same boat with the One Design spirit.”

Flying Phantom Series Eurocat 2015 ranking: 6 races with 1 discarded

Ranking Team Helmsman Crew Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6
1 FRA 4 Phantom Gurvan Bontemps Benjamin Amiot 2 1 1 2 1 2
2 FRA 8 Momentys Franck Cammas Antoine Joubert 1 2 2 3 3 3
3 FRA 1 Phantom Billy Besson Matthieu Vandame 3 DNF DNS 1 2 1
4 FRA 9 Zebra Sebastien Rogues Benjamin Lamotte 4 4 3 4 4 DNF
5 FRA 777 Bruno Marais Laurent Barthelemy DNF 3 4 5 5 4
FRA 7 Jean-Louis Lemoulec Pierre-Etienne Beyssac DNS DNS DNS DNC DNC DNC
GER 2 Sven Klingenberg Stephan Rumpf DNS DNS DNS DNC DNC DNC

Flying Phantom vs Nacra F20FCS: Upwind Test at Buenos Aires

from catsailingnews

It was an informal test after 1 day of launching the FP, no swap of crews for instance. We just tested like 5-6 times during the day upwind and downwind matchups.Video above is unedited 2:18 of upwind which represents the day perfectly.

EDIT: As my good friends crewing the Nacra thought the report was assigning responsibility to them (all the contrary, they had the best handling and best speed of the day as reported) I will simply put that in an informal first test upwind, 12-.14 knots, gusty conditions and some chop, the FP with Gurvan Bontemps as crew won first round.

The Flying Phantom chosen for Red Bull Foiling Generation

Phantom International is proud to announce that the Flying Phantom has been chosen by Roman Hagara and Hans Peter Steinacher for the Red Bull Foiling Generation 2015. A global sailing series that kicks off in Japan in April 2015. Below the Double Olympic champions and Red Bull Foiling Generation Sports Directors explain how they search for the world’s best talents and the format of this new sailing series.

“We are looking for the world’s best talents”
If you mix the experience and skills of double Olympic champions Roman Hagara and Hans Peter Steinacher, four brand-new Flying Phantom, regattas in seven countries and the world’s best young sailors then you have Red Bull Foiling Generation, a sailing series that kicks off in Japan in April 2015.

The global sailing series is open to talented sailors aged 16-20 who will be racing the Flying Phantom class innovative catamarans, a spectacular two-person vessel, capable of reaching speeds of up to 35 knots.

“We are looking for the world’s best talents”, said Red Bull Foiling Generation sports director Hans Peter Steinacher, inviting the new generation of sailors to take a step forward.

“To fly above the water with such an 18-foot catamaran gives you a good impression of what it is like to compete in a full-sized America’s Cup catamaran,” said Roman Hagara, double Olympic champion and sports director of the Red Bull Foiling Generation.

The Red Bull Foiling Generation starts in 2015 with seven events in Japan, the UK, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Russia and France.

The races will usher in a new sailing knockout format with four boats at the start of every race, each distinctly marked with a colour, either, red, yellow, blue or grey.
The top two teams automatically advance to the next round, while the losing pair get another shot at qualifying with a lucky loser round. The draw will be further reduced in the quarter-finals and the last four, with the winner in the final crowned national competition winner.

The winners of their respective national will be invited to the inaugural world final of the Red Bull Foiling Generation in 2016 to compete but not merely for glory and honor.

Right before every event, sailing heroes Hagara and Steinacher will introduce the young sailors to the art of foiling and coach them.

“We are offering outstanding young sailors a unique career path starting on foiling catamarans in the Red Bull Foiling Generation, the Red Bull Youth America’s Cup and the Red Bull Sailing Team competing in the Extreme Sailing Series”, said Hans Peter Steinacher of the fantastic opportunities offered by the new series.

Red Bull Foiling Generation race calendar 2015

17. – 19. April Wakayama / Japan
26. – 28. June Weymouth / United Kingdom
10. – 12. July Malcesine/ Italy
07. – 09. August Malmö / Sweden
04. – 06. September Aarhus / Denmark
25. – 27. September St. Petersburg / Russia
19. – 21. October TBA / France

RedBull Foiling Generation